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Ciao! Ho giocato tipo appena postato, ma sono stata tutte le vacanze senza Internet, poi la procrastinazione ha colpito

Per prima cosa, sono davvero contenta tu sia riuscita a pubblicare in tempo! Il risultato è adorabile. ☆

A parte il già citato doppio infodump all'inizio (Ma nulla che un bel taglio non possa sistemare), ti faccio i miei complimenti, se è vero che è il tuo primo approccio alla scrittura di una storia hai decisamente del talento! Come già detto da altri, la seconda parte è molto coinvolgente. Non pensavo sarei stata così presa, mi è piaciuta davvero molto! (๑꒪▿꒪)*

Inizialmente ero un po' triste che Yvonne e Chikara non avessero una route e, confesso, mi chiedevo dove avrebbe portato questa scelta: i personaggi che conosciamo sono loro, questa si suppone sia una storia romantica, ma loro non sono le love interest. Allo stesso tempo, ero un po' stupita di come le uniche scelte fossero durante situazioni quotidiane, e mi chiedevo se non fosse un modo per indirizzare il carattere di Hannah. POI. Poi ho capito - Cioè, almeno, credo di aver capito: le love interest sono le commesse? Se è così, è davvero originale! ... Cioè, per me è originale. Non mi è mai capitata una visual novel che si focalizzasse sull'amicizia e poi andasse nel versante romantico con delle persone normali. È incredibilmente realistico, eppure lo trovo super originale! Forse è questo il motivo per cui risulta così coinvolgente?

(O magari no, magari ho capito male. MA non importa, mi piace lo stesso.) (Se invece ho capito, credo andrei per la barista. La volontaria del gattile sembra la più compatibile con Hannah, la libraia sembra il disagio, ma della barista si intuisce solo che è gentile, quindi andrei da lei perché mi incuriosisce di più-)

Lo scatto di Hannah con il professor Pascal mi ha colta di sorpresa ma, man mano che andava avanti, era evidente che le parole del professore le avessero triggerato un trauma. La sua reazione super aggressiva, una volta capito, era comprensibilissima e tristemente realistica. MA SOPRATTUTTO quant'è bella la scena finale con Yvonne e Chikara? La storia diventa davvero più intensa ed emotiva ogni scena che passa! 

A tal proposito, trovo che la thumbnail sia bellissima. Ha una simbolismo così bello che potresti usarla come title screen! 

Dato che siamo in tema disegno, mi sono piaciuti tantissimo gli occhi - Soprattutto quelli di Yvonne. E Hannah sta molto meglio con i capelli sciolti. Kudos per la maglietta da notte. Personalmente repello la chimica ma, se esistesse, la prenderei subito. 

Ancora i miei complimenti! Per quanto sia curiosissima del seguito, prenditi il tuo tempo e porta la storia che vuoi raccontarci, perché l'inizio è super promettente! 

Ciao! ~ヾ(^∇^)

Parto già ringraziandoti per aver scritto una recensione così esaustiva!

Ho scritto varie fanfiction storie in passato ma avendole tenute per me non ho mai avuto nessuno che potesse darmi dei consigli, quindi era prevedibile che la mia prima opera pubblica non sarebbe stata perfetta. Per lo meno sono stati tutti gentili e costruttivi!
Di certo non toccherò la demo per ora (altrimenti non andrò mai avanti), ma una volta finita tutta la storia vedrò cosa tenere e cosa tagliare per rendere il tutto più fluido.

Devo dire, comunque, che mi fa davvero piacere che Chikara sia piaciuta a tal punto da essere voluta come love interest (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑ Ma il trio è nato come gruppo di amiche e non ci sarebbe mai stata una romance, in ogni caso.
Posso quindi dirti che, sì, le commesse e la volontaria sono le love interest! (Non dovrei dirlo, ma per quanto riguarda il design, anch'io preferisco la commessa del WcDonald's 👀 Caratterialmente... si vedrà) Sinceramente non so se sia una cosa originale o meno, però l'idea del gioco è sì di presentare una storia romantica, ma anche creare un percorso di accettazione e amicizia prima di tutto. Forse non sarò realistica al 100%, ma spero che risulterà per lo meno interessante.

Per tutto il resto, grazie ancora per tutti i complimenti, mi spingono a lavorare ancora di più! Potrei prendere in considerazione l'idea per il title screen, visto che sto anche pensando di cambiare engine, ma è ancora tutto un forse. Vedrò cosa mi riserva il futuro!

Hmm… It gets good toward the current end, but everything before the final scene when they hang out in her room (which was great!) has sadly a lot of issue with the way the dialog is written. In particular the opening scene on the first day was so bad I was really really close to putting it down altogether – and that just feels so unnecessary. I understand of course that this was made in a crunch during a Game Jam and that improvements will be made if you decide to continue it. I honestly hope for it.

Some observations I collected:

  • The infodump on their family backgrounds and childhoods in the opening scene isn’t very interesting and doesn’t seem to add anything to the story. (As @kanity mentioned, if it turns out to be needed it’d be better to just reveal it at that time so that it adds to the story then, rather than making it boring right when getting started.)
  • The Chikara in the opening scene doesn’t feel much like the person that is described in the intro or that she seems like later on. With the way she is later on we get a nice trio of friends, with the way she’s in the intro… It feels like she’s taking turns being Hannah or Yvonne I think.
  • The way Hannah goes into arguing in the confrontational scene with “Mr. P” it’s like she was a right-wing activist… It’s later revealed where she got those lines from but it felt really off reading through. She just says those things with so much conviction it’s hard to believe that this is the first time she’s arguing about this. I’m honestly not so sure about this anymore now that I read the later reveal, but without rereading it again… It’s like she had those exact lines at the ready for just this moment. She doesn’t stumble when she says those things, argue in circles or contradict herself. It’s just perfectly delivered anti-gay propaganda in an argument that seems like it should have caught her off guard. Gives it a certain hard edge that she obviously (later story) doesn’t have.
  • Also in that same scene for the professor, it feels like he wouldn’t just say it like that (even if he was sure) after being so considerate in previous responses before – more likely he would attempt to coat it up in that same considerate tone he used before. (Hannah could then impulsively call him out on it and they’d end up in the same place without changing anything story-wise.)
  • Cat is good. Nice details on adding the cat supplies to the room too!
  • Her friends and their dynamic together are also really cool towards the end!
  • The scene with Laura too… Been subjected to a lesser form of that at some point… Uff…

Unfortunately writing isn't my thing and I won't deny it 😅
I'm sorry the intro is so boring but I'll try to learn all I can from this experience. Knowing that I somehow got things right at least at the end makes me relieved.

If there's one thing I'd like to say, is that I don't really agree with your "right-wing activist" comment. I barely even know what that is, to begin with, but I don't see anything political in this.
For almost 10 years Hannah has told herself the words she heard from her former best friend over and over, to make sure the same thing didn't happen again. Does it sound like propaganda? Not to me, at least.
A smart and research-oriented person like her could only give "it's not natural" as her response. Doesn't really sound like she was so prepared for this, given she's lacking other arguments.

That said, I appreciate your comment and your honesty, it will definitely help me grow. Thanks for playing the demo till the end!

Glad my long comment was appreciated!

As for the activist thing: Having read the part about her talk with Laura later on it’s clear to me as well that the things she said were based what Laura told her back then, however when I first read the story and came to the part where she argues with Mr. P. my initial reaction was that it’s really odd how much she sounds like she’s just been waiting for a moment to finally and thoroughly tell someone how wrong it is “to do that”.

Ok, so I reread their dialog now and it’s not as bad as I put it… (sorry! 😊)

But since I already have the script open, I might as quote the part I found so odd (some emphasis added):

#PROF. PASCAL [filter layer=“0” name=“PROF” brightness =100 ] With what?[p]

#HANNAH Everything![p] I bet everyone is constantly talking behind your back, making fun of you.[p] I mean, that’s not normal to begin with.[p] It’s impossible to like people of the same sex.[p]

^ It’s not much, but these parts make the whole thing feel just too much like she had prior practice saying these things vs just blurting it out.

#PROF. PASCAL [filter layer=“0” name=“PROF” brightness =100 ] … [wait time=400]What makes you say that?[p]

#HANNAH That’s just not how humans are made.[p] Everything about us is proof that men and women should be together, simple as that.[p]

^ Just pointing it out because of the above, this is very minor but it again feels just a little bit too pre-studied to be something she’d just blurt out. Doubt it’d be noticeable if it weren’t for the previous lines.

#PROF. PASCAL [filter layer=“0” name=“PROF” brightness =100 ] So what’s the deal with abnormal people like me?[p]

#HANNAH Why should I know?[p] You’re confused?[p] Maybe it’s a mental illness?[p] It doesn’t really matter.[p]

… then he confronts her about the fact that she’s not making much sense and she starts to actually stumble (didn’t remember this part when writing my previous comment it seems!):

#PROF. PASCAL [filter layer=“0” name=“PROF” brightness =100 ] That’s not like you, Hannah. [wait time=400]You are a scientist, you need to be more rational than that.[p] If you firmly believe that homosexuality isn’t normal, you should be able to offer a solid argument and decisive proof.[p]

#HANNAH I mean, it’s just wrong…[p] That’s… That’s not how it’s supposed to be.[p] If you care about your friends, you should understand… that you’re only hurting the people around you…[p]

^ Much better (the extra “that“ could go, but again super minor)

… so long story short, it just felt too pre-studied on her end and given how strong the subject matter is that made it feel like she really, really meant to be homophobic, when it’s obviously not what was intended. I really hope this doesn’t sound like nitpicking – given the strong subject matter these minor things, at least for me, just made the whole thing feel extremely off and that’s what I was trying to get at.

Also sorry for the bad comparison there, I really thought about whether I should leave that part in but ultimately decided to just send it as-is and finally head to bed… Also didn’t have the script to reread until just now, so some of it was more first impressions while other parts were written with more hindsight which probably didn’t help either…

Really tried to be constructive about this the whole time, hope that shows! 😊


Was writing down my thoughts as I played!


First of all, Chikara is so beautiful, can't take my eyes off her even when others are talking xD (that is to say sprites in general are very well drawn ^^) 

UPD: Why the cashier has to be so hot also XD Can we romance her? >:)

I am not sure about the BGs - first one seemed like a stock picture, as well as most of the others, but Hannah's room is so cute and looks hand-drawn and I like it a lot :) 

Also, this game has a lot of CGs! +_+ That's always nice to see, especially knowing how much effort it takes to make them ^^

+Kitty is so cute! <3


I feel like the first scene has a bit too much information and idle dialogue between the girls (talking about their parents, etc), I wish the beginning of the game was a bit more dynamic, and we learned more info gradually :3 

I like the screen with mobile phone convos, it makes the gameplay more diverse and fresh!

Wow Laura was brutal T_T and she looks perfect amount of creepy on that CG where she says all that churchy-brainwashed stuff >_< 

OK I finished the demo and it seems three new girls we meet are the LIs, my love for Chikara will never be realised :'D

Small issues:

In the first scene there is a CG after "rugged appeal" line, but it appears for a second and then disappears and I haven't figured out how to scroll back or go back through the log :( 


Sorry, just as you realized, Chikara (and Yvonne) cannot be romanced! I am considering spin offs for them (no yuri though), but I won't actually say anything until I can finish this game first.
Also, if you think the cashier is hot already, I'm sure you'll like her even more in casual clothes lol

As for the backgrounds unfortunately my BG artist, z.rose, couldn't finish all of them in time, so I had to use some free assets (no stock pictures though, you can find the artists' names in the credits) for the rest. But they haven't stopped working, so I'll replace the assets with original backgrounds in a later update! They made the animal shelter and Hannah's room ^^

Story-wise, you're not the first one to tell me that and I've taken note for the future to hopefully not make the same mistake. Creating a nice pace is harder than I thought.

Finally, thank you so much for reporting this bug! I'll fix it immediately and upload a new build asap.

That said, thank you very much for writing your honest thoughts and I can't tell you how happy I am you like Chikara! She's always had a special place in my heart <3

Sure, I understand how it is with the writing - I am constantly checking myself when writing and rereading my stuff: do we need this piece of info now or can I add it bit later to have player find out gradually , and as you already know everything it's hard to catch yourself with oversharing as you are excited to tell the player all about the story and the characters ^^ That's why it's good to have editors/playtesters and also go yourself with a fresh eye (ofc we are a bit in a crunch due to jam but in general) and yeah I understand now about BGs, excited to see all of them hand drawn by your artist with time! <3 


Played this through all the way to the end of the demo, and I wasn't expecting to get so into it at the beginning!!! Though that's not to say the beginning was uninteresting. I really liked Hannah, and Chikara and Yvonne grew on me a lot as the game went on. There's something to her crabbiness that I found really neat, in a way she kinda reminded me of Senku from Dr. Stone weirdly enough lol.

Anyway, the music and the art worked well for this kinda game, but it's the story itself and the dialogue that I really liked. Especially the dialogue. For a while I was cruising through it, enjoying the slice of life elements, but then when I got to the scene with Prof. Pascal and the one afterward, I really got into it. I understood Hannah a lot more after her outburst and confession, and I related to her quite a bit. I'm sure a lot of other people will, too. 

And of course I loved Mr. Hyde. Overall this was a very neat game, and the demo did its job wonderfully, because I'll be very much looking forward to the rest of the game. I'll follow you and wait for it excitedly!!

Thank you for making this. I had a blast :D


Thank you very much for your detailed review!

I'm glad that I could make you feel something during the most important scenes, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to convey the right emotions with my writing. I rewrote the whole script so many times and there's so much I wanted to add! But it wasn't the right time.

Will do my best to deliver an even better full game ^^


Had a really great time playing !!!

The game design is wonderful, the art lovely and in all the game experience great, you did an amazing job.
It took me some time to get into the story but when it became serious and laura appeared it was like a slap on the face ( in a good way ). 

Curious to see more that will happend :D

Thank you for the feedback!

You say it took you some time to get into the story, is it because it drags on too long before getting to the point? Or was the writing just not that entertaining?

The writing entertaining, else I would have not appreciated so you can be assured the writing style is great.

 I would say because it takes too long with no big plot event and it doesn't really escalate ( like getting sad and sadder until the scene with the professor arrive  for example )  the mood goes up and down but with no real big up so you're waiting for It to happens. It's all good for setting up places / characters / maybe story element but since it drags a lot on scene that can be viewed as non important (unless it will get important later ) it feels a bit long. Nevertheless it's good to get to know Hannah as a character but by doing so it's like getting lost along the way when you walk in a park before you finally see the thing you were searching for.

If I can resume it better : There is a lot micro events happening that feels like it should be important but don't feel important until the big event arrive.

I see, I will definitely be careful about this in the future~